Care Fur Life

Who  We Are

Care Fur Life is a multifaceted rescue and sanctuary.

From our founders, to our employees, there is one common thread: we care about the well-being of horses. While we didn’t start out looking to rescue horses, our current herd all found us over the last five years. This small herd of horses has made huge leaps forward in terms of health and training and we are proud of the work that’s been put into them. We are continuing to update our facilities to provide the best management for each horse.

important milestones

Our History

October 2017
First Rescues
Care Fur Life was contacted about 8 horses left over from a local auction and in need of immediate rescue. We responded and brought in all 8 horses to begin their new lives.
October 2017
January 2020
Forever Home
In 2020 Care Fur Life found its forever home in Auburn, Washington!
January 2020
September 2021
Volunteer Program
Two very dedicated volunteers interested in learning horsemanship joined Care Fur Life. This inspired CFL to create a sustainable program to help educate and involve our community.
September 2021

What We  Do

We are re-defining rescue, Care Fur Life see’s the value of all horses and helps find them a purpose, starting with the rescue, evaluation, and rehabilitation of each horse. Next, our highly trained staff help to place each horse into a long term program or placement home. These placements are chosen to highlight the value and skills that each horse has. We also offer educational volunteer opportunities for those in our local community!

Our Mission

Rescue, Rate, and Rehabilitate. It is our goal to create a place where the horses in our care can find the best possible activity for them, for the rest of their life. This could mean sanctuary, adoption or other solutions. We see the value in every rescue horse, and it is our mission to help others see them the same way. We see that there is still work to be done behind the initial stages of rescue (Rescue, Rate) and focus on the long term goal of rehabilitation. While most of our horses have medical or behavior conditions that will keep them with us for life, we believe that each horse has a niche that they could fit into. Our ultimate goal is to create a safe space for not only our horses but also the community to learn/ interact with them.

Our Method

We keep our herd tightly capped which enables us to meet each horse exactly where they are at. Each horse is treated as an individual, and their care and management is designed just for them.

Video Showcase

A short documentary explaining the world of rescue horses and highlighting the unlikely friendship of a mini horse and a disabled man.
Play Video

Meet Our Team

Amanda Sprynczynzatyk

Barn Manager

Angela Greenshields

Herd Manager

Leanna Vandlen

Lead Barn Staff

Leo Salas

Property Specialist